Spread of knowledge

Hiro, who is in charge of the financial system, is a veteran employee, but he has been transferred to overseas overseas.
Hiro was the only person who had business knowledge of the system, and he was worried about the reviewer for his handover and the supporter for the successor Kei.

Who is appropriate for the reviewer and the supporter?

Hiro's colleagues Joe and Yoshiaki belong to the same department and have some knowledge about the operation work of the financial system.
Also, because it was a cross-cutting company culture, Hiro is not prohibited to communicate his business knowledge to Joe and Yoshiaki.

In order to create the reviewers and supporters for the successor, he decided to spread knowledge to third parties involved in work

By spreading business knowledge to Joe and Yoshiaki, they became able to check the documents of Hiro. Also, Joe and Yoshiaki were able to increase their knowledge related to their work.

Since Review for the documents of handover premises that a third party has it, this pattern is a necessary condition in order to carry out Review for the documents of handover.
It is important for third parties to have business knowledge to do Handover in a different room and firewall for handover.
This pattern needs to be done by the predecessor even to do Supporting developing successor and Witness for the knowledge for the successor to investigate the unknown knowledge after the personnel change.
On the other hand, the spread of knowledge may be automatically made by Professional writer.


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最終更新:2016年12月20日 16:35