Review for the documents of handover

Hiro was ordered to transfer abroad. As a result of confirming the handover materials, there was no manual for the regular inspection which excuted every six months. Therefore, Hiro made a manual about it.
After the manual was completed, Hiro reviewed the manual by himself. It was perfect from his point of view.

With the check of the creator himself alone, can you say that there is no omission?

Creator's own review tends to be subjective. There may be facts that the author himself has overlooked.

Improve document quality by getting the review from third party.

Hiro asked his colleague Joe to review his manual.
Joe has business knowledge about the system. It is possible for Hiro to have a review period for several days.
As a result of the review, Joe pointed out the important revision for the manual that Hiro did not notice.

In order to execute this pattern it is necessary to Spread of knowledge. In order to reliably reflect objective indications obtained with this pattern, it is important to Quick correspondance for the review and execute Update history. Also, if you can not execute this pattern, you should ensure objectivity by Check by other similar documents.


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最終更新:2016年12月23日 19:41