Extra-inning for completion of the handover

Hiro was in charge of the financial system for many years, but he was ordered to go overseas. He had done handover to successor Kei, but he could
not get the time and moved without completing his handover.

How to communicate the knowledge that cannot communicate during the handover period?

For various reasons, Hiro cannot finish his handover.
As for the predecessor and successor contacting each other, the surroundings do not feel it strange.

Communicate the knowledge that were unable to communicate in the handover period by phone, e-mail,even after the transfer.

Hiro kept in touch with Kei frequently even after he moved.
By keeping in touch with Kei, Hiro was able to fill in the part I did not complete during the handover period.

Through a Reunion for old members, third parties can encourage their predecessors to implement this pattern.
By Secyre an emergency contact, the successor can also prompt the predecessor to execute this pattern.
You must be prepared to do this pattern if you are taking time-consuming Incremental handover and Mentor for successor


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最終更新:2016年12月30日 11:41