Handover in a different room

Hiro, who is in charge of the financial system, started hand over to Kei as soon as he received his resignation.
However, Hiro's usual work is busy and his phone rang very often, he cannnot concentrate on handover. Kei and Hiro can not concentrate on handover.

How can we concentrate on handover without getting caught in other tasks?

His boss Yoshiaki and collegue Joe can deal with Hiro's work such as answering his phone calls etc.
There are some meeting rooms that are not in use.

Move to a different room while during the handover.

Hiro moved to another room with Kei during his handover.
Because Hiro and Kei moved in the room, they were able to concentrate on handover without interruption.

By using Firewall for handover and Spread of knowledge, this pattern will be easier to execute smoothly.


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最終更新:2016年12月31日 21:44