1. Download Package
(1) Collective pack that contains all softwares' installer for KeTCindy can be downloaded from the link

of Dropbox. It should be noted that, even if you click the left column "KeTCindy Installation", you can move to the above link.

  • If you have not installed the Dropbox, it displays a window of "Do you want to install" or "Login", but it is all right to ignore all.
  • Choose your PC as download destination instead of Dropbox.
  • The package contains the five compressed file.
  1)InstallforMac.dmg      :Apprication for Mac
  2)InstallforWin.exe      :Apprication for Windows
  3)ketcindy.zip     :KeTCindy System
  4)Howtoinstall.sip   :Installation instructions
  5)ReadMeJ.pdf    :How to install (Japanese version)
  6)ReadMeE.pdf    :How to install (English version)
      Download 1) 3) 4) 5) for Mac or 2) 3) 4) 5) for Windows.
      When you download them, you press the "Download" button, not the "save to dropbox" button.

(2) Copy InstallforMac.dmg/InstallforWin.exe and ketcindy.zip to the desktop. When you double-click on them, they decompress.
  • When you unzip the ketcindy.zip, you can create the "ketcindy" folder.
  • When you unzip the InstallforMac.dmg/InstallforWin.zip, it contains the followings.

  • The package size is about 1.5GB, and it takes about 15 minutes to download.
  • The size of TeX is small (about 1GB), and it does not interfere with other TeX.
  Remark) If there is a space in the disk, it is recommended that you install the TeX.

2. Install the softwares
 This section divides the case for Mac and Windows. First, when you copy


to the desktop and unzip it, the "Howtoinstall" folder appears. This foloder contains

    HowtoinstallforMacE.txt or HowtoinstallforWinE.txt

as instructions, and you open the text file. It should be noted that, when you move to each page by clicking on the following, you can see the same content.

How to install for Mac

How to install for Windows

最終更新:2016年10月30日 17:05