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__================__Event Point System and Rules__=================__
Welcome to the Spellbreak International League's event!

Event Information:

The Event will consist of the following:
A) __Players__ or __Teams__ will compete for a total of __3__ rounds.
B) The __Player__ or __Team__ with the __most__ points at the end of the 3rd round __wins__ the event.
C) If there is a tie for __1st__ place, __Players__ or __Teams__ will compete for 1 quick round to tie-break the placement.

1.) Contestants MUST post a __screenshot__ showing their placements and kills in the SCREENSHOT channel on discord. (Note: No proof of points = No points)

2.) Contestants must enter the "Event Discussion" Voice Channel 5 minutes before the event starts.

3.) No screaming or yelling over the host(s). If this repeatedly happens, Push To Talk will be enabled.

4.) No Arguing when it comes to exploits that are uncontrollable by the event hosts.

5.) If you have an issue with the points. Please DM it to the Event Hosts.

6.) Contestant will forfeit the tournement round if they forge information

7.) No Hacks/Mods/Cheats, this will result in an Immediate Ban

8.) If you are streaming the event, __please__ put on a 3 minute delay. This is to prevent __stream-sniping__.

9.) If you are streaming the event, __please__ mention us in the title of your stream.
Example: "Daavid 150+ Wins Streaming SIL Solos tournament "

10.) If it is a Duos or Squads event, you are limited to 2 teams from the same organization.

Points System
Points are accredited using the following system.

1st Place = 20 Points

2nd Place = 18 Points
3rd Place = 15 points
4th - 6th = 13 points
7th - 10th = 11 points
11th - 19th = 9 Points
20th - 40th = 5 Points
  1. 3 Points Per Kill**
A Teams points are determined by the placement of the last member of the team in the match; kills are added and totaled.
(NOTE: Placements points are awarded based on your team rank, NOT your individual ranks.)

The points listed above are calculated automatically after everyone round.
You can view your standings and information via the link provided in the toornament.com page (Where you signed up).

Note: Once you register as a contestant in the region of your choosing, you will be __locked out__ of participating in other tournaments for another region.
If there is anything that you didn't like, think we can do better, or even just some new ideas, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

Enjoy the event breakers!

Players caught circumventing the games' software/launcher/files within them by intercepting and/or manipulating data in real-time while in transit from the client to the server or vice versa will result in a permanent global mute, and will be restricted from participating in any future events until the player has written an email to "Proletariat" apologizing for what they did and explaining why they felt they needed to perform these actions. If this process isn't completed within 1 week of getting caught, the player will be banned.
Do not attempt to use this method in any SIL event, you have been formally warned.
