Update history

Hiro appointed to overseas and was preparing a handover. Hiro asked Joe and Yoshiaki to review his documents for handover. They indicated various revisions, and Hiro corresponded them one by one.
However, it has become impossible to distinguish between corresponded and indications.

If you confuse the already indicated indication with the unsupported indication, the possibility that the correspondence omission will come out will be high.

There are many issues pointed out at the review meeting and it is difficult to reflect everything at once.
It is necessary to be able to grasp the status of correction immediately and to arrange it.

Therefore, describe update history in the handover document and performing version control not to omit the revision.

Hiro could recognize the status of the documents by the update history, and was able to cope efficiently with no leakage. As a result, Hiro created documents that corresponded firmly to reviews.

When correction items arise due to Review for the documents of handover, you must always do this pattern.
Also, when it is impossible to Quick correspondance for the review, it is necessary to grasp the status of the document by the update history


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最終更新:2016年12月20日 18:00